GPT-4 And Education. With Donald Clark Donald ClarkLondon Futurists Podcast Aristotle for everyone The launch of GPT-4 in March has provoked concerns and…
To Understand Anti-vaxxers, Consider Aristotle Among the many difficulties imposed upon America by the pandemic, the scourge of anti-vaccine sentiment—and the…
Some moves to flex the mind: Life Hacks by… One of the most idiot-proof arguments in favour of exercise was made by an Australian exercise physiologist, Prue…
TIFF 2022 Exclusive: Aitch Alberto, Max Pelayo… Aitch Alberto greets me with a hug when I arrive for our interview. It's the day after her debut feature film…
AI Ethics Leans Into Aristotle To Examine… Oxford University Institute for Ethics and AI had its inaugural annual presentation covering lessons…