‘Who knew cannibalism was so popular?’ Dakota… Dakota Johnson had fun with some off-color jokes that referred to Armie Hammer and the cannibalism scandal that…
Dakota Johnson Joked About Armie Hammer’s Sexual… Sundance Film Festival kicked off yesterday in Park City and Dakota Johnson was…
Dakota Johnson cracks joke about Armie Hammer… Fifty Shades of Grey actor Dakota Johnson kicked off the Sundance Film Festival 2023 with a special speech for…
Kathy Griffin Jokingly Compares Prince Harry to… Kathy Griffin, Prince Harry, Armie Hammer. Shutterstock (3) Yikes! Kathy Griffin is not impressed…
Armie Hammer’s Father Dies At 67 Michael Armand Hammer, a business executive and father of disgraced actor Armie Hammer, died Sunday from cancer,…
Armie Hammer’s father, Michael Armand Hammer,… Armie Hammer’s father, Michael Armand Hammer, has died at age 67. Sources connected to…
Call Me By Your Name Director Still Wants To Do… Back in 2017, filmmaker Luca Guadagnino released his LGBTQ+ love story Call Me By Your Name. The acclaimed drama…
‘House Of Hammer’ Looks At Generational Trauma… Key Art for "House of Hammer"Courtesy of Discovery+ The Discovery+ docuseries House of Hammer explores the…