Barry’s Henry Winkler Explains His Character’s… Barry, the much-acclaimed comedy crime drama led by Bill Hader, has finally concluded after running for nearly…
Bill Hader Apologized to Vince Gilligan for… If it weren't for Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, there may not have been Barry. Wrapping up its run on HBO…
Barry’s Bill Hader reveals how he found… Sometimes, we get to know about some connection or relationship much later in our lives. In an interesting…
Barry’s Final Season Debuts With a Perfect 100%… With Succession coming to an end soon, HBO will have to say goodbye to another of its most acclaimed series of the…
Barry’s final season turns into the worst… Barry was so close it hurt. HBO’s dark comedy is, by design, almost unrecognizable from the show it started as.…
HBO Reveals Barry’s Fate With Season 4… Will Barry End After Season 4? Henry Winkler Says...Warning: This article contains spoilers for the first three!-->…