This Machine Makes You Hallucinate Last summer, in various cities in the UK, more than 40,000 people visited the Dreamachine, a large space designed…
Gene Expression in Neurons Solves a Brain… The neocortex stands out as a stunning achievement of biological evolution. All mammals have this swath of tissue…
The Quest for Injectable Brain Implants Has… Eventually, Xenofon Strakosas, an assistant professor working in Berggren’s lab, figured out the problem: In…
Neuromarketing and the Battle for Your Brain You experience subtle and overt manipulation on the web every day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t think and act…
I Asked an Algorithm to Optimize My Life.… With a cutoff of five, I would be choosing a random option for about one in every 20 decisions I made with my…
The Myth of the Psychopathic Personality Refuses… Philosophers have grappled with the nature of evil for thousands of years, but these days, immorality can feel like…
Neural Imaging Reveals Secret Conversational… Studying human conversations isn’t a simple challenge. For instance, when humans start to talk to one another in a…
A Virtual Social Life Is Possible with… A major goal of the field of neuroprosthetics has focused on improving the lives of paralyzed patients by restoring…
How Your Brain Distinguishes Memories From… Memory and perception seem like entirely distinct experiences, and neuroscientists used to be confident that the…
Empathy in the Age of AI If you think your dog loves you, you’re a fool. If you feel a kinship with a tree, you’re a hippie. And if you…