How Wong Kar-wai’s Chungking Express made Faye… Filmed in six weeks, Chungking Express has an improvisatory feel. It features a memorable turn by singer Faye Wong,…
Jackie Chan a role model: action star Rina… She dreams of working with Jackie Chan and going to Hollywood, but next up for versatile Japanese action star Rina…
‘In the hyperspace category’: the late Hong Kong… He played with some of the best musicians of his era, and inspired generations of talent. Throughout it all, Hong…
Buying ethnic food in Hong Kong: I don’t mind… My girlfriend is ecstatic about a new Indian grocer near her in Shek Tong Tsui, in Hong Kong Island’s Western…
An insider’s guide to some of the best meals in… “Do you want curry?” asks a South Asian man handing out fliers to anyone approaching the famed Chungking Mansions…
Drastic drop in tourist arrivals hits Chungking… Tears well up as Hongkonger Camilla Hung talks about how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the restaurant she…