Karnataka’s Kunbi women farmers hope to bring… In the lush forests of Kali river valley in North Karnataka, the Kunbi community has been cultivating tubers in…
Middle East Roundup: Israel’s bitter domestic… Deadly heatwaves are scorching the region and Sudan’s war surpasses 100 days – here’s the Middle East this…
Photos: Record temperatures continue to sizzle… A wave of heat is not loosening its grip on the globe. Phoenix has broken its own streak of blistering hot days,…
WHO calls for urgent action as deaths from… Copenhagen: With 60,000 deaths in Europe last year due to extreme heat, a top World Health Organization (WHO)…
John Kerry arrives in China to revive climate… John Kerry, the United States’s special envoy on climate, has arrived in China to revive efforts to combat global…
Forest decline surges despite climate action… Tropical forests destroyed last year released 2.7 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, equivalent…
Canada launches first-ever national climate… Canada has launched its first-ever national strategy to help communities adapt to increasingly severe weather…
On Earth’s own terms: Why we need new words for… We will need new words as the climate crisis unfolds — for the solutions we find, our new ways of life, the…
Phrase to phrase with the climate crisis: A new… How does one mourn the dwindling of kalboishakhi, the stormy, sweet-smelling winds that herald the monsoon in…
Name that feeling: Two artists coin words for… A dozen people — artists, scientists, academics and writers — turned up at The Bureau of Linguistical Reality’s…