3 Things to Do If Your Cough Is Keeping You… A cough is annoying enough during the day, but come bedtime, when cold symptoms tend to get worse, hacking your…
The Best Way to Treat Strep Throat During cold and flu season, it can be difficult to figure out what’s wrong if you start to feel sick. There’s a lot…
3 Things to Do When You Get Sick With… Unless you are one of the lucky few who has dodged COVID completely since the start of the pandemic, you’ve…
How to Have a ‘Sick Day’ When You Can’t Actually… Dr. Van Groningen says that you can also alternate taking acetaminophen and ibuprofen to get better,…
Here’s Why Flu Season Can Last Longer Than You… Weekly influenza cases have fallen to their lowest point since October, raising the question of whether or not flu…
Moderna’s RSV Vaccine for Adults Is in the… Moderna shared exciting news this week: The biotechnology company has an experimental respiratory syncytial virus…
Why Does Getting Sick Turn Me Into a Whiny… Whenever I get sick—which, recently, seems to be every few months thanks to all the viruses going around—I don’t…
The CDC Is Warning About Severe Strep A… Since September, complications from strep A infections have led to the deaths of 21 children in the UK. Now, public…
The Earliest Flu Symptoms Can Be Some of the… Think back to the last time you had the flu, or just generally felt really unwell. You probably remember hunkering…
6 Flu Complications to Be Aware of If You Start… Dehydration is considered an emergency if you’re feeling really weak, dizzy, confused, or seeing a large amount of…