DC Pride: Tim Drake Special #1 Review: A… Generally speaking, one of the things that DC does well is their Pride Month books. Last week's…
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #1 Review:… Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #1 brings Captain America back to his roots while teasing a…
Comic Book Reviews for This Week: 6/15/2022 Welcome to this week in comic book reviews! The staff have come together to read and review nearly everything that…
Do A Powerbomb #1 Review: A Brilliant… The world of professional wrestling is equal parts entertaining and surreal, and that's part of…
The Ward #1 Review: Monster Hospital Shines When… The "Hospital comic but for X-Thing" subgenre only has a few titles underneath its banner (see…
Jane Foster and the Mighty Thor #1 Review: A… Jane Foster picked up Mjolnir and took on the mantle of Thor in Jason Aaron's already iconic…
Comic Book Reviews for This Week: 6/8/2022 Welcome to this week in comic book reviews! The staff have come together to read and review nearly everything that…
DC Pride 2022 Review: DC’s LGBTQ+… When DC Pride first launched in 2021, it felt like an absolute revelation, with the 100-page…
The Closet #1 Review: The Horror You Can’t… "Wherever you go, there you are." That's the lesson that the family in The Closet—from writer…
Comic Book Reviews for This Week: 6/1/2022 Welcome to this week in comic book reviews! The staff have come together to read and review nearly everything that…