Uniting cultures: Sharjah and Seoul unite to… Embarking on an extraordinary journey across time and place, the Sharjah Pavilion at the 65th Seoul International…
A Chinese scholar who showed colleagues Hong… Of Hakka origin himself, Lo became one of China’s foremost scholars in the Hakka language, culture and…
Hong Kong’s future workforce needs liberal arts… Despite the prevalence of technology in our lives and the heavy focus on STEM education, employers are also looking…
Why Hong Kong needs a culture tsar – not just a… The city needs someone to identify what is unique about the Hong Kong experience and spread that message to…
The door’s a jar: See how pickles are serving as… Shakuntala Talwar was eight when her family fled Sindh during Partition. Travelling to Bombay on a chaotic…
North East India Festival in Bangkok to promote… In a bid to take forward the Act East policy, the second edition of the three-day North East India Festival, 2022…
Hong Kong needs its own student exchange scheme… The EU’s Erasmus exchange programme has built unity and a sense of belonging among young Europeans. A similar…