How to Protect the Teens You Love From Diet… She shares that she had her own “aha moment” about this when her now-preteen daughter was two years old: “She…
How to Find a Doctor Who Isn’t Laser-Focused on… If you can’t find one that fits your needs or takes your insurance, there are some strategies to help you determine…
Why You Should Actually Let Yourself Eat the… Introducing all of your fear foods at once would be too overwhelming for a lot of people. Bringing one into your…
The ‘Thin Is In’ Narrative Is Especially Harmful… When body size is viewed as a referendum on beauty, we lose sight of this complex, harrowing reality; when we’re…
The Myth That ‘French Women Don’t Get Fat’ Is… “This image of the thin French woman concerns a small portion of individuals,” Casse says, who partially blames…
How to Deal If Food and Body Shaming Flow Freely… Even if you largely have a great time with your family, hanging out with loved ones can be a diet culture…
Did You Grow Up With ‘Almond Mom’? Warning: This article includes discussion of eating disorders, diet culture, and weight stigma. If you or someone…
‘Diet Culture’ Isn’t Just About Smoothies and… These days, you can’t get into a conversation about nutrition and wellness without someone mentioning “diet…
Diet culture vs intuition eating: How to find a… The most ironic fact about intuitive eating, is it is not very intuitive for most. It takes intentional effort to…