Yes, You Really Should Avoid Taking Ibuprofen… It probably doesn’t come as a shock that many medications don’t pair well with alcohol, a substance that impacts…
Lisa Marie Presley Died of Small Bowel… After Lisa Marie Presley died on January 12, headlines swirled about cardiac arrest being the potential cause of…
5 Norovirus Symptoms That Can Hit You Really,… Just in case you haven’t heard this enough yet: You should really, really be washing your hands well and often.…
How Long Should You Expect to Be on Crohn’s… If you were recently diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, you probably have all kinds of questions about what comes…
6 Ways a Crohn’s Disease Diagnosis Can Take an… Some people with Crohn’s disease develop food-related anxieties, and because eating and pain often go hand in hand,…
Here’s How EPI, a Commonly Misdiagnosed… During your regular visits, your doctor may order blood work if you’re experiencing symptoms that seem to be…
5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor After an Exocrine… PERT is the main treatment for EPI, but some people may also benefit from adjusting their diet or taking specific…
This Horrifying TikTok Explains Why You Should… You’ve probably found yourself in this scenario before: It’s the middle of the night, and you suddenly wake up with…
Worrying About Indigestion This Wedding Season?… Tips to improve digestion: The wedding season is here and we cannot stop ourselves from devouring…