In search of trinities: The Wknd Puzzle by Dilip… In any set of five randomly selected positive integers, what are the chances of adding up three and ending up with…
Two-step authentication: The Wknd Puzzle with… Recently, a friend asked me to buy some DVDs of old Hindi films and send them to him in Delhi. The purchase was…
Critical race theory: The Wknd Puzzle by Dilip… My father’s all-time favourite joke always made us roll our eyes. It went like this: God said to Moses, “Come…
Counting down to a birthday: The Wknd Puzzle… One famous story about the great logician Raymond Smullyan (1919-2017) is from the time someone introduced him as…
The lie of the land: The Wknd Puzzle by Dilip… Two tribes, two traditions, two replies. Your escape route depends on how well you can tell the truthers from the…
The die is cast: The Wknd Puzzle by Dilip… Use a die to generate different six-digit numbers. Can you figure out how many different six-digit numbers you…
Circle gets the square: The Wknd puzzle by Dilip… A geometric puzzle should ordinarily appear with a diagram. But not this one, because visualising it in your mind…
At the end of her rope? The Wknd Puzzle by Dilip… An old chestnut of a puzzle that we used to puzzle over as schoolkids involves an elastic rope and an intrepid…
Weigh your options: The Wknd Puzzle by Dilip… My phone was recently subjected to an inadvertent bout of swimming. The result: a very dead instrument. So I asked…
Walk the straight and narrow: The Wknd Puzzle by… On a recent trip to Chennai, I took the Metro to and from the airport. At the airport, a long corridor connects…