These Activists Distrust Voting Machines. Just… For decades, Lulu Friesdat made election integrity her life’s work. Drawing support from activists and academics,…
The Guardian view on the vaccine shortfall:… The horror of the Covid-19 pandemic brought with it one small cause for optimism: the crisis accelerated the…
Harriette Cole: I was bragging about my… DEAR HARRIETTE: I pride myself on teaching my daughter how to honor her commitments, including holding confidential…
Kim Hyun Joo’s Distrust Of Park Hee Soon Deepens… SBS’s “Trolley” has previewed a conflict between Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon! “Trolley” is a mystery romance…
Why China’s selective Covid data adds up to… The population is operating in an information vacuum, unsure of how quickly the coronavirus is spreading and how…
The Atlantic Announces Hire of Yair Rosenberg as… Yair Rosenberg, who has been a contributing writer with The Atlantic and the author of the Deep Shtetl newsletter,…
The Anti-Abortion Movement’s New Distrust of… This is an edition of The Atlantic Daily, a newsletter that guides you through the biggest stories of the day,…
Productivity paranoia making hybrid work… Amid the debate on moonlighting by tech employees who are working from home after more than two years of the…
Putin’s soldiers ‘categorically… Russia has stopped sending units into Ukraine because volunteer soldiers are 'categorically refusing' to fight,…
New 2024 US Presidential hopefuls emerge as… New York: Speculation is rife in the US media about the presidential hopefuls for the 2024 run as polls suggest…