Amazon Calls On Governments To Help Crack Down… Photo by Smith Collection/Gado/Getty ImagesGetty Images Amazon says it's using machine learning to crack down on…
Fake Reviews Still Widely Traded On Facebook,… Photo by Chesnot/Getty ImagesGetty Images With new legislation looming in the UK, fake reviews are still rife on…
Google Brings New Policy to Filter Out… San Francisco: Tech giant Google is bringing a new app review policy to make app ratings and…
Autism Therapy Startup Blames ‘Unfortunate… Experts Forbes spoke to said the Elemy reviews with false locations likely ran afoul of FTC rules. getty…
Facebook, Google And Amazon ‘Failing To… Consumer reviews getty Unscrupulous brokers are continuing to infiltrate Facebook, Google and…
FTC Proposes Greater Control Of Stealth… Washington, UNITED STATES: The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) building Photo: PAUL J. ...…
UK Ramps Up Measures Against Fake Online Reviews Consumer reviews to be more tightly controlled getty The UK is warning of tough new…
Facebook And Twitter Groups Found Still Offering… Shopping on Amazon getty Facebook is failing to tackle fake review 'factories' with…
Seeing stars: Charles Assisi on the murky world… When an old acquaintance told me that he could massage the ratings of a book I wrote in 2018 and have it listed as…