Long-Running Larry Hama G.I. JOE: REAL AMERICAN… The G.I. Joe: Real American Hero run written by Larry Hama — one of the longest ongoing stories in comics — will…
Channing Tatum Really Didn’t Want to Be in… “G.I. Joe is the codename for America’s daring, highly trained, special mission force.” So declares the…
Channing Tatum Reveals Why He Asked To Be Killed… We live in an era where the vast majority of tentpole releases are films based on existing properties. The drive…
The 6 Biggest and Best G.I. Joe Moments from IDW This Wednesday is a bittersweet day for G.I. Joe fans. The milestone #300 of G.I Joe: A Real American Hero hits…
WEDNESDAY COMICS: G.I. JOE A REAL AMERICAN HERO… This week’s lead review for Wednesday Comics is G.I. JOE A REAL AMERICAN HERO #300, a landmark issue if ever…
Hasbro Has A Big-Budget G.I. Joe Snake Eyes Game… After making its name in toys and board games, Hasbro is the latest big company trying to break…
Demi Moore regrets shaving her head for… Hollywood star Demi Moore famously shaved her head to play the…
Demi Moore Recalls Shaving Her Head For… Demi Moore regrets shaving her head for 1997 film ‘G.I. Jane'(Pic Credit: Instagram, Movie…
After G.I. Jane Became The Butt Of Now-Infamous… I think it's safe to say that after Chris Rock's joke at this year's Academy Awards, just about everyone and their…