I’m a mum… here’s my six hacks… A SAVVY mum has shared her top tips for travelling on a long haul flight with your toddler. It can be hard at the…
Can I darken my brows by using a tanning foam? |… The hackUsing fake tan as a brow dye.The testI’ve tried a plethora of ways to darken my brows to avoid having to…
Life Hacks: Is your calendar working for… I spent the weekend in a reverie of sorts. Cooking breakfast the way I like it. Reading whenever I felt like it.…
4 Hair Care Tips To Have Silky, Smooth,… When it comes to maintaining gorgeous voluminous hair, models definitely know a thing or two. Considering Fashion…
Monsoon Fashion: 8 hacks to survive the rainy… Monsoon season brings with it rainy days and humid weather, which can sometimes make it challenging to dress…
Andalucian Grandmothers Share Hacks For A Cool… In the days before air-conditioning, people had to use their ingenuity and imagination to keep…
An oracle is only as good as the question: Life… At the time of writing this, it is almost past the deadline for sending in my column. The dreaded writer’s block…
The Huge Power and Potential Danger of… In June 2021, GitHub announced Copilot, a kind of auto-complete for computer code powered by OpenAI’s…
British TikToker hacks all-inclusive deal on… A British TikToker discovered an ingenious hack to keep the drinks flowing after hours whilst on holiday with their…
5 Life-Changing Fashion Hacks To Help You Save… Home Lifestyle5 Life-Changing Fashion Hacks To Help You Save Money And…