Eating late dinners may NOT harm our health Eating late dinners may NOT harm our health... if you also have a late breakfast the next day,…
Is Your Water Filter Doing More Harm Than Good?… My hotel room was conveniently outfitted with a water filtration tap for…
Industries can harm health in many ways: Here… A recent ground-breaking series of reports in the science journal The Lancet unpacks what commercial determinants…
Do Campus Diversity Offices (DEI) Help Or Harm… Magnifying glass Search Documents ; shot with very shallow depth of fieldGetty Images/iStockphoto “Affirm and…
Microsoft Buying Activision Blizzard… The Japanese Fair Trade Commission (FTC) determined that Microsoft acquiring Activision Blizzard would not…
Dear Abby: I worry that the TV weather report… DEAR ABBY: My local TV meteorologists and reporters have a terrible habit of calling rainy weather “miserable,”…
The Harm of Restricting Your Diet In the Name of… When Kim Kardashian set her sights on wearing Marilyn Monroe’s…
Florida surgeon general’s Covid vaccine claims… US health agencies have sent a letter to the surgeon general of Florida, warning that his claims about Covid-19…
Halfway there: Cherry blossoms hit 3rd bloom… The National Park Service announced Tuesday the cherry blossoms had reached the third of six stages to peak bloom —…
Plastic pollution threatens harm to humans and… Alarming new evidence is emerging of the potential harm caused by pervasive plastic pollution, scientists…