Signs you may be in a trauma bond relationship A trauma bond relationship is based on equal amounts of rewards and punishments. It arises from the recurring…
Recognising covert manipulation: Warning signs… Covert manipulation happens when one person has a lot of understanding about the character and personality of…
Are you being breadcrumbed? Here are the signs Often we feel that a person is not putting in the necessary efforts in a relationship. This happens usually when…
What is emotional manipulation? Sometimes it takes a long time for us to understand that we are emotionally manipulated in a relationship. Not all…
Phases of anxious/avoidant trap in relationships This is the non-win trap between a partner who is seeking connections, and a partner that is running away from…
What trying to control someone looks like Often in relationships, we try to control or change a person to fit the idea of reality and future that we have…
Things we do that prolong our mental and… When we navigate through life, we come across situations that cause suffering in us. Be it physical, mental or…
Gaslighting cheat sheet: Red flags to reflect on Gaslighting is the technique usually used by people in relationships where they try to manipulate the other…
Signs you are emotionally explosive: Therapist… In relationships, conflicts are natural. However, when we are emotionally explosive in nature, we may have a…
How to know if we are being too much needy in a… In relationships, when we are not able to receive the things that we are in need of, we are often termed as being…