After rejecting Priyanka Chopra, Nick… In a new interview, Netflix's show Indian Matchmaking's Sima Taparia has opened up about her favourite celebrity…
Indian Matchmaking Season 2: Sima Taparia says… You can love it or you can hate it but you definitely can’t ignore it – that’s what the first season of Indian…
Sima Taparia of Indian Matchmaking says Priyanka… The second season of the Netflix series Indian Matchmaking started streaming on the platform on Wednesday, and as…
From Indian Matchmaking to Great Weddings of… For a long time, big Indian weddings have served as a canvas for the cinematic world, and now, the strokes of the…
Indian Matchmaking 2 trailer: Sima Aunty is back… Sima Taparia, popularly known as Sima Aunty, is back with season 2 of Netflix's show, Indian Matchmaking. The…
Sima Taparia is back in Mumbai to help singles… This season, the job of Mumbai’s premier matchmaker is never over! Sima Taparia is back with 8 fresh, hour-long…
Sima Taparia-led Indian Matchmaking to return… Matchmaker Sima Taparia is ready to return with the second season of Indian Matchmaking next month. Check out new…
Netflix shares Indian Matchmaking season 2… Netflix reality show Indian Matchmaking will soon release its second season. The streaming platform dropped a…