Australia’s flu season is hitting kids the… As Australia continues to navigate its influenza season, experts are warning about a surge in pediatric…
Why the Covid-19 years could make course of… Years of mask-wearing have led to a drop in flu antibodies but experts are hopeful seasonal influenza outbreak will…
Influenza A (H3N2 Virus): Is it Similar to… Home HealthInfluenza A (H3N2 Virus): Is it Similar to Influenza B?!--breadcrumb>…
As Covid-19 wanes, seasonal influenza cases are… Outbreaks have prompted some schools to halt classes, while authorities have issued health alerts. Stay…
Flu season intensifies with 6M infected in US:… Flu season is intensifying in the U.S. with more than 6 million cases confirmed so far, the Centers for Disease…
Getting a Grip on Influenza: The Pursuit of a… Virus vaccine fights disease. getty This is a short series focusing on the challenges of developing effective…
Bird Flu: 2 People Dead In China From H5N6 Avian… An avian influenza A(H5N6) has left 2 humans dead and 3 other hospitalized in either serious or ...…