Typhoid bacteria are becoming increasingly… Typhoid fever is a global public health concern, causing 11 million infections and more than 100,000…
Typhoid bacteria increasingly resistant to… New York: Bacteria causing typhoid fever are becoming increasingly resistant to some of the most important…
Nearly 20 million lives saved by COVID-19… Nearly 20 million lives were saved by COVID-19 vaccines during their first year, but even more deaths could…
Monkeypox may persist in body for 10 weeks:… Monkeypox virus may persist in the body for 10 weeks, even after the tell-tale rash has disappeared, according to a…
SIDS Cause Is Not Known, Despite What New Study… Sleeping newborn getty Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, is every new parent’s…
How pandemic restrictions impacted mental health… Toronto, April 27 While countries prioritised stricter policies…