The ‘Little Bang’ Helping Physicists Study the… Our universe started with a bang that blasted everything into existence. But what happened next is a mystery.…
10 Years after the Higgs, Physicists Are… Imagine that you have just arrived on a planet in another solar system. Suddenly, five minutes after you landed,…
Scientists find 3 ‘exotic’ particles as Large… Researchers have discovered a new kind of ‘pentaquark’ and the first-ever pair of ‘tetraquarks’ as they seek to…
Particle Hunters Can Spend a Lifetime Searching… IceCube is an example of how big science, and particularly particle physics, now often works on generational time…
Large Hadron Collider Seeks New Particles after… In their final moments, the last protons flew at nearly the speed of light. They completed the 27-kilometer loop…
A visit to CERN is like walking onto the set of… To visit CERN is to go down a rabbit hole.This is not because, to reach the organisation’s atom-smashing Large…
Elusive Neutrino Candidates Detected in… For the first time ever, researchers have detected neutrino candidates produced by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)…