Lulu Group to Launch 12 Malls Across India in… Lulu Group is planning to launch as many as 12 malls across India over the next three years, spread over a total of…
There is no GST charge on the total billed… PIB of Finance ministry clarified to us that the viral message is Fake. The government issued nine Central Tax…
What can America, beset by ‘zombie malls’, learn… The ‘zombie malls’ that litter the American suburban landscape are the death knell of a way of life. What can the…
Old Lord & Taylor stores at 3 Mass. malls… BURLINGTON - Former retail spaces are making way for lab facilities at three malls in Massachusetts.Old…
Hong Kong malls, retailers get smarter with AI… Can Artificial Intelligence help turn the tide on Hong Kong’s retail industry slump? Some retailers are giving it a…
Russian Shopping Malls Lose Up to 30% Of… Russian shopping malls are “de-energised” and have lost up to 30 percent of their footfall following the exodus of…
How to make malls great again (or maybe for the… On the Shelf 'Meet Me by the Fountain' By Alexandra LangeBloomsbury: 320 pages, $28If you buy books linked…
Malls join 2.6 million businesses as Shanghai… A dozen shopping malls owned by some of Hong Kong’s top developers join 2.6 million businesses in Shanghai in…
Covid-Hit Shanghai To Allow Gradual Reopening Of… Members of a disinfection crew ride bicycles down a street in Shanghai, China on Saturday, May 7.…
Shanghai to gradually reopen malls, supermarkets… The city authorities have also doubled down on lockdowns, however, ordering standstill orders in specific districts…