Wordle Today (#777): Wordle answer and hints for… We have the solution to Wordle (#777) on August 5, as well as some helpful hints to help you figure out the…
The Last 96 Hours of the ‘Titan’ Tragedy Submersible disasters are extremely rare—and vessels are built to last. Girguis cites the Alvin: Commissioned in…
This Artificial Muscle Moves Stuff on Its Own The cucumber-mimicking experiment is the first demonstration of plant-like tropism in an actuator, and it’s part of…
Everyone Was Wrong About Reverse Osmosis—Until… Friction is resistance. In this case, it tells you how hard it is for something to get across the membrane. If you…
This Is the Lightest Paint in the World Dayna Baumeister, codirector of Arizona State University’s Biomimicry Center, isn’t surprised that the paint has so…
The Quest for Injectable Brain Implants Has… Eventually, Xenofon Strakosas, an assistant professor working in Berggren’s lab, figured out the problem: In…
This Lab-Grown Skin Could Revolutionize… The breakthrough launched a debate: What do we make now? One faction wanted to grow a face, but the faction that…
This Fake Skin Fools Mosquitoes—to Fight the… The world’s deadliest animal is a picky eater. Because they transmit viral diseases like Zika and chikungunya, and…
New Materials Will Bring the Next Generation of… Technologies enabled by quantum science will help researchers better understand the natural world and harness…
The High-Temperature Superconductivity Mystery… When electrons couple up, further quantum trickery makes superconductivity unavoidable. Normally, electrons can’t…