Maus’ author Art Spiegelman honored at… Cartoonist Art Spiegelman was honored for his life's work with the Medal for Distinguished Contribution to…
Top 10 Comic Books Rising In Value In The Last… Want to know what comic books are trending each week and why? COVRPRICE.COM uses live sales…
How Maus Changed My Daughter’s Life January 27, 2022 the graphic novel "Maus" by Art Spiegelman.(Photo by Maro SIRANOSIAN / AFP)…
What’s Behind The Flap About ‘Maus’ A Tennessee school board's ban on Art Spiegelman''s graphic Holocaust novel is part of a culture ...…
Ticker: ‘Maus’ sales soar after Tennessee school… Just days after the banning of “Maus” by a Tennessee school district made national news, two editions of Art…
An open letter to the McMinn County Board of… Earlier this week, it was reported that the McMinn County Board of Education in Tennessee voted unanimously to…
Art Spiegelman calls Tennessee schools’… Art Spiegelman has gone public about the latest controversy over books deemed inappropriate for public…
Church In McMinn County To Host Readings Of The… | On Thursday, the third of February at 7pm, Clare Brown, the rector at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in downtown…
Award-winning Holocaust memoir… Creator Art Spiegelman said he was "baffled" by the "demented" decision to remove his book from the curriculum…
Art Spiegelman Calls School Board Banning… Following news that a Tennessee school board unanimously voted to ban the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel Maus…