‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ co-creator Yuji… Yuji Naka, who co-created the video game “Sonic the Hedgehog,” was arrested Friday in Tokyo on suspicion of insider…
Sonic Designer Yuji Naka Arrested For Alleged… Legendary Sonic designer and Balan Wonderworld director Yuji Naka has been arrested in Tokyo in connection to an…
‘Sonic The Hedgehog’ co-creator Yuji Naka… Sonic The Hedgehog co-creator Yuji Naka was among three people arrested this week for alleged insider trading.…
Yuji Naka Seemingly Confirms Michael Jackson’s… Update: Yuji Naka has, kind of, walked back his original, unintentional confirmation that Michael Jackson worked on…
Sonic Co-Creator Yuji Naka Blasts Square Enix… Sonic co-creator Yuji Naka's most recent game, Balan Wonderworld, didn't exactly impress players.…
Yuji Naka says Square Enix removed him from… Ex-Sonic The Hedgehog developer Yuji Naka says he was removed from Balan Wonderworld’s development around six…
Balan Wonderworld Director Yuji Naka Filed… Balan Wonderworld was a disappointing game for most, especially for a game from Yuji Naka, the creator of Sonic the…