I’m a neuroscientist and mom—5 phrases I never… 1. "You are being very bad."When a child loses their sense of self, it can result in emotions of rage, anxiety,…
Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder—but… Imagine spending a weekend afternoon with friends at an art museum: nodding with crossed arms, desperately…
Almost All Research on the Mind Is in English.… The world of brain research has a secret flaw. For decades, studies into how the mind works have been carried out…
Pure Oxygen Speeds Up Learning. Can It Help… As a physical therapist in Shanghai, Zheng Wang worked with people recovering from strokes after their brains had…
Why Songs Get Stuck in Your Head—and How to Stop… Music that is simple, repetitive, and easy to sing (or hum) is most likely to get stuck. Think Miley Cyrus’…
Old Memories Can Prime Brains to Make New Ones The tiny foragers are also “remarkable learners” that can remember something after a single exposure to it,…
The Brain Technology Treating Neurological… Grenoble University Hospital MRI of A 30 year old patient suffering from Dystonia treated by high ... frequency…
Elon Musk Seeks Support Against Rules on Free… When Elon Musk arrived at VivaTech, a leading technology conference in France, his presence had an immediate…
How a Human Smell Receptor Works Is Finally… Human olfactory receptors belong to an enormous family of proteins known as G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).…
The Psychedelic Scientist Who Sends Brains Back… About a month into the 2020 pandemic lockdown, Gül Dölen, a neuroscientist, noticed that she had come untethered…