Quantum Advantage Showdowns Have No Clear… Last month, physicists at Toronto-based startup Xanadu published a curious experiment in Nature in which they…
A Puzzling Quantum Scenario Appears to Violate a… Remember we’re dealing with the photon’s wave function here. Since the bounce doesn’t constitute a measurement, the…
I Don’t Understand Anything Anymore The meaning of time is lost in the measurement. Besides, at some point precision measurements run into the…
A Newly Measured Particle Could Break Known… Physicists have found that an elementary particle called the W boson appears to be 0.1 percent too heavy—a tiny…
How the Physics of Resonance Shapes Reality Almost anytime physicists announce that they’ve discovered a new particle, whether it’s the Higgs boson or the…
Euler’s 243-Year-Old ‘Impossible’ Puzzle Gets a… Quantum Latin squares were quickly adopted by a community of theoretical physicists and mathematicians interested…
The Algorithm That Lets Particle Physicists… Thomas Gehrmann remembers the deluge of mathematical expressions that came cascading down his computer screen one…
Cosmologists Close in on Logical Laws for the… The universe started out quite smooth overall, the thinking goes, but quantum wiggles imprinted space with tiny…