Quitting smoking tops list of mid-year… Other top targets set during the summer include drinking more water, losing weight, and working out more, according…
Over a quarter of smokers set mid-year… More than a quarter of smokers make “Mid-Year Resolutions” – with quitting over the summer months coming top of the…
2 US States Issue Resolutions Honouring 100th… <!-- -->The monthly programme was first aired on October 3, 2014.Somerset: The State of New York and New…
New York, New Jersey issue resolutions in honour… The State of New York and New Jersey have issued special resolutions honouring the 100th episode of Prime Minister…
Beauty, skincare tips: 5 wellness resolutions to… There are so many things we wish you could do for that dream glow-up, including fancy treatments, expensive…
Six weeks in and struggling with New Year’s… An online-based trainer has some advice to get your fitness and health goals back on track and make your progress…
Slacking on January resolutions? Here’s… Healthy habits aren't just for January, in the same way a dog isn't just for Christmas. That first month of the…
5 Wine Resolutions To Keep, For Real, In 2023 It’s the end of January, and the dust has settled on New Year’s resolutions made and, possibly, also broken. For…
Get more specific, but stay flexible to stick to… Save more, spend less and pay off debt are popular New Year’s resolutions — and perhaps the ones most likely to…
5 Sneaky Ways You Might Be Sabotaging Your New… So you’ve set a lofty fitness resolution for 2023, and…