90 per cent of Hong Kong primary pupils secure… Education Bureau says number of pupils taking part in allocation process has dropped to 43,755 from 48,000 from…
‘Challenged books’ swept off Hong Kong library… Post checks with 29 stores and finds books about Tiananmen Square crackdown are mostly gone. Stay connected with…
Number of Hongkongers in independent UK schools… Affluent parents who move their children from free schools ‘seek better facilities, teaching quality’. Stay…
Hong Kong education chief declines to meet… Secretary for Education Christine Choi opted not to meet group of parents and pupils asking her to refrain from…
Mainland Chinese academics outnumber locals at… Eight publicly funded universities employ 1,815 mainlanders, with quarter in science, compared with 1,670…
SCMP spin-off shakes off cooling interest in NFT… Artifact Labs is planning several new partnerships with global museums after a seed funding round led by Blue Pool…
Hong Kong school facing axe slams authorities… Principal of Confucian Tai Shing Primary School also says 60-year-old institution could turn into non-profit…
The Post wins 13 prizes across all categories at… City leader John Lee uses ceremony to warn of dangers posed by artificial intelligence to media industry and…
Hong Kong exam authority warns DSE students… Concerns raised after three images on Instagram showed nearly 50 students and some teachers standing on the stage…
SCMP wins Business Reporter of the Year at… The awards attracted more than 400 entries by over 300 contenders for nine categories in text, video and audio…