The Show That Knows the Secret to Serialized TV This is an edition of The Atlantic Daily, a newsletter that guides you through the biggest stories of the day,…
Eight Books to Comfort You When You’re Lonely The holidays are a notoriously fraught time for big feelings, loneliness chief among them. In 2017, the surgeon…
A Murder in Russia This is an edition of The Atlantic Daily, a newsletter that guides you through the biggest stories of the day,…
A writer, a mystery, a quiet tragedy: The… If the legendary Premchand endorsed a writer and called him “the future of Hindi literature”, one would expect a…
US-based Kashmiri poet, film writer explores… US-based Kashmiri poet and film writer Sunayana Kachroo tackles a range of themes including homelessness, gender…
Once Upon a Time in Odisha: Check out short… A young woman is dragged away by a crocodile, only to mysteriously resurface a decade later, married to the…
A Red-necked Green Bird: Read an excerpt from… He had left behind a brief note. Not a letter. Just a brief note. I am leaving. This house, and the life around…