Swetha Sivakumar spills the tea on tannins A good chaiwala adds spoons of black tea to boiling milk. He then lets it come to a rolling boil over and over.…
See why no one can eat just one: Swetha… We treat the words “taste” and “flavour” as interchangeable. But taste is unidimensional, referring only to the…
Is there such a thing as a healthy potato chip?… There are two variables that potato-chip manufacturers like to play with, when it comes to trying to make a potato…
Crisp chemistry: What it takes to make the… There are few foods more festive than a giant bowl of chips, and few things more delicious. Read the ingredients…
How does garlic go from Jekyll to Hyde? Find… The term Alliums (for the genus that includes garlic, onions, leeks and chives) comes from the ancient Greek word…
Churn, churn churn: How butters differ Have you ever wondered about the difference between white and yellow butter? Have you also debated between buying…
Why do some foods brown deliciously when cooked?… We don’t give ourselves enough credit for the magic we work when we cook. Think of a simple lunch of dal, rice and…
Tales from the land of frost: Swetha Sivakumar’s… Here’s a food preservation technique that needs no additives and retains almost all the nutrients as fresh food.…
Swetha Sivakumar spills the secrets of the… Is an air-fryer better than an oven? I get asked this a lot, so let’s break it down. First, a bit on how the…
Blade runner: Pick your next kitchen knife with… When I was studying for my Master’s degree, I could barely make ends meet on what I earned as a research assistant.…