The pink tax and other invisible taxes Singapore… Closer to home, an Australian advocacy group found that Australian women pay over 50 per cent for birth control…
After losing her breasts and putting on 16kg,… Fortunately, Aly had been zealous about breast cancer screening and her cancer was detected at Stage 1. It was a…
‘I’m 43 but I feel 23’: How domestic… MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES ARE ALSO A PRESSING CONCERN FOR DOMESTIC HELPERS In addition to physical health issues, Dr…
A blind singer’s incredible journey to the… Wan Wai Yee is a singer for hire. Some days, you may find her belting out Celine Dion or Taylor Swift hits at…
A foster mum and her motherhood journey: ‘It… “She was carried in by a child protection officer and was very quiet. I could see that she was very nervous,” the…
Meet 4 teens who used Instagram, TikTok and… It worked. In 2020, when she was 14, Swedish music publishing, production and management company The Kennel AB…
She sold S$70,000 worth of products online in a… Speaking of prejudice and discrimination deaf people face, she added: “There are lots of barriers for deaf people…
Meet the scientist who unlocks the X-factor in… FINDING THE SIZZLE When most people think of a scientist, they might imagine someone working with pharmaceutical…
She’s a visually-impaired marathoner, triathlete… She runs marathons, climbs mountains, swims in the sea and plays tennis despite severe vision loss. Vice chairman…
Mumpreneur Norfasarie Mohamed Yahya is training… “It was only after my parents left, and I breastfed her for the first time that she suddenly used her right stump…