Xcel Energy’s $145 million bid to build electric… Supporters of speeding up the move to electric vehicles see investment by utilities as essential, but business…
Residents Urge Xcel to Get on Board With Vision… In the time since the energy giant offered a one-year moratorium on razing the building, the community has…
Energy Advocates Ask Residents to Flame Xcel… Amid public pressure to get energy bills down, the Colorado Legislature passed a utility regulation bill during…
Xcel Energy wants a $312M boost in its electric… Xcel Energy is seeking a $312 million increase in revenue in an electric rate case, but the state agency that…
Colorado Lawmakers Propose Aligning Utilities… Back in December 2022, metro Denver residents got a not-so-cheerful message mixed in with their holiday cards:…
Public Utilities Commissioners Finally Taking… After months of consumers sounding the alarm about high Xcel Energy bills, the Colorado Public Utilities…
Xcel could spend $31M cleaning up contaminated… In court documents this week, Xcel Energy revealed it has spent $6 million and may spend up to $25 million more on…
Colorado Woman Came Out of Retirement to Cover… Patricia Mills Sanchez is 75 years old. She went back to work about a year ago because she and her husband, who is…
Colorado consumer office sues over $2M in… The agency that represents the public in utility rate proceedings is challenging a decision by state regulators to…
Polis’s Utility Bills Initiative Gets… Colorado Governor Jared Polis’s signature blue sneakers were made for walkin’ alongside the thousands of Colorado…