Bollywood actor Tanushree Dutta was sort of a flag bearer of the Me Too movement in India and the impact of it can be seen even today. The actress does not shy away from calling a spade a spade and lately, has been quite expressive about all the problems she has been facing over the Me Too allegations she put on Nana Patekar back in 2019. In the most recent turn of events, the actress has called for help through a lengthy post on social media, pointing out how she is being targeted by certain groups in the city.
For the unversed, the whole matter kicked off when Tanushree came forward to reveal how she suffered during the shoot of her film Horn Ok Pleassss. She accused Nana Patekar of getting too close to her which in turn resulted in her not agreeing to shoot an intimate scene with him.
In the most recent turn of events, Tanushree Dutta has claimed that her Me Too revelations have been causing a lot of trouble for her, even though she was the victim. “First it was my Bollywood work being sabotaged last one year, then a maid was planted to douse my drinking water with medications & steroids which caused all kinds of severe health problems, then when I escaped to Ujjain in May my vehicle brakes tampered twice & accident. I barely escaped death & returned to Mumbai after 40 days to resume normal life & work. Now strange disgusting stuff in my building outside my flat”, she said.
Claiming that ‘The Bollywood Mafia, the old political circuit of Maharashtra and nefarious anti – national criminal elements ’ are the ones behind the harassment that she is facing, Tanushree Dutta further wrote, “I’m very sure the #metoo culprits & the NGO who I exposed are behind all this because why else would I be targeted & harassed like this??”. Have a look at the post here.
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