Amid the ongoing probe in the death case of actor Tunisha Sharma, Waliv Police revealed a heated argument had occurred between the 20-year-old and her former boyfriend, Sheezan Khan, before her death. CCTV footage from the time of the argument has also been recovered, cops told news agency ANI. Tunisha was found dead on December 24 on the sets of her TV show Ali Baba Dastaan-E-Kabul. (Also read: Tunisha Sharma suicide case: Her mother alleges blackmail by Sheezan Khan’s family)
Sheezan Khan, who is Tunisha’s ex-boyfriend and co-star, has been arrested on the charges of abetment of suicide. On Wednesday, Sheezan was taken to Vasai Court where his police custody was extended by two days after the Waliv police told the court that a 15-minute conversation between him and the deceased in the green room purportedly led to her suicide on December 24. Now according to a new update, he has been sent to custody till Saturday, after his earlier remand ended.
Meanwhile, Tunisha Sharma’s family has requested the Waliv police to investigate whether she could have been murdered. The statements of the late actor’s mother, Vanita Sharma, were also recorded to find out the details of her conversation with Sheezan’s mother. “We are likely to call Khan’s sisters and mother to record their statements on Friday,” said a police officer.
Besides recording the statements of Tunisha’s friends and Sheezan’s relatives, police have also called in the production manager of the serial Ali Baba Daastan-E-Kabul, along with the DVR and CCTV recordings of the set. In the show, Tunisha essayed the role of Shehzaadi Mariam while Sheezan was featured as Ali Baba. It aired on SAB TV.
Earlier, the news agency ANI had reported that Tunisha and Sheezaan were in a relationship and had broken up a few weeks ago. Tunisha’s mother has claimed that Sheezan had been cheating on Tunisha before her death. She also alleged that Sheezan used to consume drugs and Tunisha’s behaviour was also altered during this time. She also alleged that Sheezan forced her to follow Islam.
Meanwhile, Sheezan’s sister Falaq Naaz recently said that they will answer the allegations soon. “I will answer the allegations made by Tunisha’s mother in the press conference soon. Right now, our priority is our brother who is under the police’s custody,” Falaq said, as quoted by ANI.
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