Sharman Joshi recently dropped a video on his social media in which he could be seen reuniting with his 3 Idiots co-actors Aamir Khan and R Madhavan after 14 years. Taking to Instagram, Sharman shared a video which he captioned, “3 idiots are promoting “Congratulations” film which is releasing today.”
In the video, the three actors could be seen on a cricket pitch and dressed in matching red uniforms. Sharman tried to speak about his Gujarati film Congratulations and gets interrupted by Madhavan who comes up to him and asks about his film. After that, he again tried to speak about his film and gets interrupted by Aamir Khan, and later both the actors get confused about the film`s title and instead think that Sharman is congratulating them.
Here’s the video
Soon after the Golmaal actor shared the video, fans flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emotions.”Sir isska aik part aur banna chahie (Sir there should be a sequel to it),” a fan commented. Another fan wrote, “So good to see you guys together after so long.” We want #3idiotsagain #3idiotssequel,” a fan wrote. A netizen added, “I got teary eyes and all smiles while watching this video #Legends.” A netizen added, “On my god the Greatest character of Indian cinema Rancho, Raju, Farhan.” Another netizen added, “All time best movie indian cinema part 2.”
Helmed by Rehan Chaudhary Joshi-starrer Congratulations is a Gujarati drama film which also stars Manasi Parekh Gohil, Jayesh Barbahya, Ami Bhayani, Archan Trivedi, Swati Dave and others.
The film was released on February 3, 2023, and received decent responses from the audience. Talking about 3 Idiots, the 2009 film was directed by Rajkumar Hirani, and it was the highest-grossing film of the year. The film also starred Boman Irani and Kareena Kapoor Khan in primary roles.
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