Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput had once spoken about wanting to party with actor Shah Rukh Khan at his Mumbai home, Mannat. In an old interview, Sushant spoke about an incident when he sat at a coffee shop near Shah Rukh’s home and saw several cars entering the venue for a party. He had said how it made him want to go inside and party ‘one day’. Sushant had said that he was later invited to Shah Rukh’s Eid party which made him ‘really happy’. (Also Read | When Sushant Singh Rajput said he’d start a canteen in Film City if he didn’t get films after quitting TV)
Sushant started his career with television and gained popularity with Pavitra Rishta. He made his debut in Bollywood with Kai Po Che (2013). He went on to feature in several other films such as Shuddh Desi Romance (2013), PK (2014), Detective Byomkesh Bakshy! (2015), MS Dhoni: The Untold Story (2016), Raabta (2017), Kedarnath (2018), Sonchiriya, Drive (2019) and Chhichhore (2019).
In a 2013 interview with Rediff, Sushant had said, “During my growing up days, I watched a lot of Yash Raj films, especially Shah Rukh Khan films. I was a big fan of his films. I was never star-struck but I remember once I was sitting with my friends at a coffee shop near Shah Rukh’s house in Bandra. He had a party and I could see a lot of big cars entering his bungalow. I told myself that one day I would like to go inside and party with him. Fortunately, he had an Eid party this year and I was invited. I was really happy about that (smiles).”
Speaking about working on other projects other than films, Sushant had said, “I am looking to work on good projects and it can happen anywhere irrespective of the medium. If there is something interesting in television, I will surely do it, and so is the case with theatre. I may start my own theatre company. If films don’t work out, I might take up something else. It is the mindset of our industry that once you graduate from theatre to television to films, you cannot go back. The biggest of Hollywood actors are doing all mediums at the same time.”
Sushant was found dead at his Mumbai residence on June 14, 2020, at the age of 34. This year marks his second death anniversary. His last film was Dil Bechara (2020) and it was released on Disney+ Hotstar nearly a month after his death. Directed by Mukesh Chhabra, the film also stars Sanjana Sanghi, Saswata Chatterjee, Swastika Mukherjee, Sunit Tandon and Sahil Vaid among others.
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