Were psychologist Martin and teacher Natalie a… Natalie, 43, says:I think variety is the spice of life and in terms of meeting people I’ve tried various avenues. I…
Can these two foodies agree on who makes the… Shanice, 25, says: I arrived at the restaurant, sat down and thought ‘oh he’s really cute’ you did well.…
Can these heavy metal kids rock out together? Austin, 27, says:I arrived probably five minutes early. I was feeling pretty confident. I had mentioned that my…
Conversation flowed but is a second date on the… Chrissie, 35 says: I was a little nervous going in. I sat at the bar and waited for my date. I happened to notice…
‘No vibe whatsoever’: Maybe opposites don’t… Troy, 45, says: I arrived for my date a couple of minutes early. I was on the phone to my sister as I was walking…
10/10: Is this the best Blind Date EVER?! Dylan, 36, says: I was so nervous to begin with because I have never done a proper blind date before. It was kind…
BLIND DATE: Were Mel and Milan a match? Milan, 24, says:I was super nervous to begin with because it’s been so long since I’ve been out on a date — it has…
Were Nigel and Sally a match? Nigel, 42, says:I arrived 15 minutes early. I wasn’t sure how traffic was going to be so I thought I’d give myself…
An influencer and a podcaster, Is it love or… Darcy, 28, says:I’ve only been back on the dating scene for about five months and it’s been a bit of a running joke…
Did Bianca and Egert hit it off? Bianca, 22, says:Going in, my expectations were pretty low. Quite honestly, I’d given up on dating until I was…