What to Know About Doing Cardio If You Have… And you don’t need to max out your heart rate to reap the benefits of exercise, either—in fact, you shouldn’t go…
World Heart Day 2023: Date, history,… In a world where knowledge about heart health is limited and policies are insufficient or lacking, World Heart…
How do you stop cognitive decline? Seeing… Social interaction, moderate-intensity exercise, and playing games such as mahjong to keep the brain active are…
Better Ways than BMI to Measure Obesity The term BMI is all over health care. The abbreviation stands for body mass index, a simple number that has evolved…
Commentary: I was vegan for years – then I… Despite this exercise and my diet, my weight rose slowly but surely as I reached 70 years of age in 2022, with a…
How to Protect Yourself from Smoky Wildfire Air Skies have been stained a sickly brown in the U.S. Northeast this week. Smoke from numerous wildfires in Canada has…
Long COVID Is Linked to 200+ Symptoms. Here’s… Lisa Sass, a 31-year-old woman living in Phoenix, tested positive for COVID-19 in February 2021. For a week, she…
5 Causes of Heart Failure All Young People… There are also multiple types of familial cardiomyopathies—hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common and…
Changing Clocks to Daylight Saving Time Is Bad… The following essay is reprinted with permission from The Conversation, an online publication covering the latest…
15 Reasons to Finally Give Running a Try “You’re able to open up and be vulnerable with someone when you’re side by side, in parallel, in ways that you’re…